Ep 51 - Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Welcome to Shenantics with Skxnky and mcul where they discuss life on the Internet. New episodes are released on Monday morning. On today's episode:
- Shenantics for special occasions
- Show notes 2:39
- New Years Eve plans 12:38
- Creating the calendar 20:37
- Movie theaters 26:06
- Star Wars: The Last Jedi spoilers found in the following:
- mcul saw The Last Jedi 28:14
- The Stupendous Wave video about Kylo's lightsaber
- Skxnky re-watched the Star Wars prequels 49:15
- mcul's troubled history with Star Wars 53:03 - Skxnky adjusted his stream 1:03:03
- Small Streamer Shoutout ClassiGetsSassi (Twitch, Twitter) 1:08:03
- Food finish: New Years Foods 1:10:50
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Intro song credit: https://soundcloud.com/kubbi/up-in-my-jam-all-of-a-sudden