Ep 4 - Early Access
"I'm picturing the queen in a golden beanbag."
Welcome to Shenantics with Skanky and mcul where they discuss life on the Internet. New episodes are released on Monday morning. On today's episode:
- The guys miss some streams
- Conan: Exiles and free keys for streamers
- Early Access games on Steam
- The Queen's comfort
- Photoshop skillz
- Weird hobbies
- Watching and listening to our own Stream and Podcast
- Skanky rides a train and has a story
- Do you cook or eat out
Remember to rate and review Shenantics! Also follow us on Twitter at @shenanticspod. If you have any feedback, followup, or questions you can email us at shenanticspodcast@gmail.com.
You can check out their Twitch streams throughout the week at:
And follow them on Twitter at:
Join the discussion over on Discord (Skanky and mcul)
Intro song credit: https://soundcloud.com/kubbi/up-in-my-jam-all-of-a-sudden