Ep 57 - The Guys are Scholarly Time Travelers
Welcome to Shenantics with Skxnky and mcul where they discuss life on the Internet. New episodes are released on Monday morning. On today's episode:
- Sharks that eat sharks
- Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee 2:46
- mcul needs fashion advice 4:00
- Scholarly 16:26
- Time travel 19:19
- Is Elon Musk a Supervillian and/or time traveler? 26:11
- Tweet referenced - Twitch's updated community guidelines 32:50
- Oddshot is shutting down 1:00:34
- Shenantics Streamer Shoutout: Ape_Fist (Twitch, Twitter) 1:03:14
- Q-tips revisited 1:05:20
- Original conversation Episode 20 at 1:05:09 - Food Finish: Dos Toros 1:15:07
Remember to rate and review Shenantics! Also follow us on Twitter at @shenanticspod. If you have any feedback, followup, or questions you can email us at shenanticspodcast@gmail.com.
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Intro song credit: https://soundcloud.com/kubbi/up-in-my-jam-all-of-a-sudden