Ep 27 - Onboarding Sandwich
"A taco is a sandwich."
Welcome to Shenantics with Skanky and mcul where they discuss life on the Internet. New episodes are released on Monday morning. On today's episode:
- Early morning Shenantics.
- Dumpster campfire. 1:12
- Facecam placement. 3:19
- Cinematics 8:03
- Age of Empires II. 10:06
- Buying/playing games because of streamers. 25:28
- mcul and PUBG. 27:48
- Twitch mobile app updates & new user onboarding. 31:44
- TwitchCon panel updates. 51:06
- Small Streamer Shoutout: CherryBobombGaming (Twitch, Twitter) 1:03:56
- Food finish: sandwiches. (see image of chart at http://shenantics.rocks) 1:07:55
Remember to rate and review Shenantics! Also follow us on Twitter at @shenanticspod. If you have any feedback, followup, or questions you can email us at shenanticspodcast@gmail.com.
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Intro song credit: https://soundcloud.com/kubbi/up-in-my-jam-all-of-a-sudden