Ep 28 - Zombies
"Let's get DJ Wheat on the podcast."
Welcome to Shenantics with Skanky and mcul where they discuss life on the Internet. New episodes are released on Monday morning. On today's episode:
- mcul is weird at work.
- mcul played Undertale. 2:55
- Speed running games. 8:52
- Minecraft in 2017. 16:30
- New games: 20:41
- Fortnite.
- Destiny 2
- COD Zombies 36:13
- Rainbow 6: Siege 38:14
- Black Desert Online 40:46
- Skanky bought an Oculus Rift 45:00
- How to fix Twitch communities. 48:55
- Small Streamer Shoutout: PumpedUpPixie (Twitch, Twitter) 1:08:25
- Food finish: Poutine. 1:11:44
Remember to rate and review Shenantics! Also follow us on Twitter at @shenanticspod. If you have any feedback, followup, or questions you can email us at shenanticspodcast@gmail.com.
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Intro song credit: https://soundcloud.com/kubbi/up-in-my-jam-all-of-a-sudden